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Gyps / Solidago
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Gyps is the flower that looks like a cloud on a stem. This flower looks beautiful on its own, but it also looks great in a mixed bouquet. In short, gyps is versatile. Gyps is also known as gypsophila. You can recognise it by the many white or pink flowers that spread very widely. This makes the flower look a bit like a cloud. Gyps is also available all year round and lasts a very long time. Gyps originates from the Mediterranean region, Asia Minor and Eastern Europe.
Solidago is the flower full of bright yellow and vibrant energy, perfect for a spring bouquet. It also adds a lot of extra volume to your bouquet and can be used all year round if you want to add some extra sunny joy. Solidago comes in different shades of yellow such as honey yellow, canary yellow, ochre yellow, lemon yellow, etc. Besides, the flower has many meanings. For instance, solidago stands for mental uprightness, success, happiness or money. This is also where it gets its nickname "golden staff" from.