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Сиринга / Калина
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Syringa is also better known as lilac. The flower blooms from December to May and gives off a very seductive scent. The lilac has an extensive colour palette with colours such as white, pink, dark blue, violet and blue-purple. The flower symbolises domestic happiness, nostalgia and first love. The lilac is grown in Aalsmeer and is taken from the fields in autumn to grow further in the greenhouse. The flowers are then harvested and the plants remain with their roots in the earth.
The viburnum is a cheerful flower that is available all year round. The flower also gives off a nice slightly sweet fragrance. The flowers of the viburnum are soft pink or white and the leaves are light green. The flower symbolises pride and is native to Asia, North America, North Africa and Europe. There are also tropical varieties of viburnum and as many as 230 different species.