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Antirrhinus / Matthiola
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The antirrhinum is also known as a snapdragon's mouth, because the flower looks a lot like the mouth of a lion. An antirrhinum looks very colourful in any bouquet and is also one of the most beautiful flowers that can be planted in the garden. The snapdragon comes in countless colours including purple, white and pink. Antirrhinum derives from the Ancient Greek word "antirrhinon" meaning "similar to a snout". The origin of antirrhinum is from the Mediterranean region.
Matthiola belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants in the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae) and consists of no less than 50 species. Matthiola is found in Europe, Asia, Africa and the islands of Macaronesia. The matthiola flowers for a very long time and also gives off a nice sweet fragrance.